

Cancer Rehabilitation at
Monarch Wellness
Cancer and its associated treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy, often exact a considerable physical and emotional toll on a survivor. This can affect their ability to engage in daily activities both at home and in the community. Recognizing the need to address these challenges, Monarch Wellness goes beyond the conventional clinic model, positioning itself as a sanctuary for cancer rehabilitation. With a commitment to tailoring individualized care plans, Monarch Wellness seeks to empower patients in reclaiming their quality of life.
Our Cancer Rehab Program
Our research driven approach to cancer rehab emphasizes recognizing our clients as individuals and identifying their individual medical, physical, emotional and social needs. We understand that cancer effects patients from the time of diagnosis through the rest of their lives and as our patients change so do our treatment plans.

Physical Therapy
Musculoskeletal Dysfunction
Cancer Related Fatigue
Neuromuscular Impairment
Abnormal Balance
Cardiac Health
Functional Movement

Appetite & Taste Changes
Biomechanical Challenges
Meal Planning
Cancer Related Fatigue
Social Considerations
Weight Management

Exercise Physiology
Cardiac Training
Functional Mobility
Healthy Habit Forming
Improved Bone Density
Reduced Risk of Recurrence
Social and Emotional Benefits